Bootstrap 5
The latest Bootstrap version now powers OneUI framework. Amazing new features and utilities are ready for you to use.
OneUI was built with Sass, overriding and extending Bootstrap in an intelligent way to ensure a perfect and modular workflow.
ECMAScript 6
OneUI was built with ES6, the new major JavaScript release which enables us writing cleaner and better code. No jQuery in core.
Font Awesome 6
OneUI comes packed with one of the most popular icon sets, bringing you over 2000 freshly made icons for your projects.
Gulp 4
We created smart development tasks to help you focus on your projects. Just install the npm dependencies and use them out of the box.
webpack + Babel
Babel makes your JavaScript code compatible with older browsers and webpack bundles your JavaScript files together.
It will serve and sync your project across different browsers and also refresh them each time your save your files.
Peace of mind when working with Sass. Use the latest CSS syntax and Autoprefixer will auto add any required prefixes for older browsers.